Privacy Notice

mySecurity SA Mobile App





Saudi Arabian Oil Company (“Saudi Aramco”), is a Saudi joint stock company established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (the “Kingdom”) by virtue of Royal Decree No. M/8, dated 4/4/1409H (corresponding 13/11/1988G) and registered in the city of Dhahran under commercial registration no 2052101150.

Saudi Aramco, together with its subsidiaries and controlled affiliates (together the “Saudi Aramco Group”), follows strict guidelines to protect personal data and ensures compliance with applicable data protection laws and regulations.

Your privacy is important to us and maintaining your trust is a priority. This Privacy Notice informs you that information submitted by you or collected by Saudi Aramco may be processed for the purposes below.


1.0   Saudi Aramco mySecurity SA Mobile Application


The Saudi Aramco mySecurity SA Application (“App”) is provided to Saudi Aramco employees. 

The App is provided so that we can:

*         Manage visitor requests

*         Manage material gate passes

*         Manage the creation and renewal of ID cards for you and your dependents / personal visitors (as applicable)

*         Manage vehicle stickers

*         Improve your user experience when seeking services from Industrial Security

*         Simplify reporting for emergency incidents within Saudi Aramco premises and facilities

The App may include links to other Saudi Aramco General Instructions and Policies. In addition this App may link to other websites (e.g. Google maps) which may have their own privacy notices. When visiting any of these other websites, please review and familiarize yourself with the relevant privacy notice.


1.1   Information we collect and how we use it


When you use the App, we will need to use information about you or your visitors and/or dependents (“Personal Data”) which we collect via the App or by using information we already hold about you or your visitors and/or dependents to allow you to use the App.


1.1.1    Information we collect


We typically hold relevant information about you necessary for you to access and use the App.  We may also need you to provide additional information (including Personal Data), when using the App.


Categories of Personal Data, Purposes of Processing and Lawful Basis


Category of Personal Data

Purpose of Processing

User Personal Data


First name, last name, badge number (Saudi Aramco); government ID (Iqama and Passport Number); blood type, nationality, date of birth, mobile phone number (as provided by the User to Saudi Aramco for token / authentication purposes), Saudi Aramco corporate email address, company (Saudi Aramco) housing information / address (in-camp residents only).

For identification, user account set up, and for Industrial Security Operations (ISO) services that require this information (e.g. renewal of ID cards).

Visitor / Delivery Personal Data


First name, last name, ID type (e.g. Saudi Aramco and/or government issued ID); ID number, date of birth, nationality, mobile number; purpose for visit. 


Where visiting by vehicle, also provide: vehicle details (e.g. plate country, plate number, vehicle color, manufacturer).


Certain services require that the user add information regarding company visitors or material collectors. This information will be verified by ISO personnel and is stored for security requirement purposes.

Dependent Personal Data


First name, last name, badge number (Saudi Aramco), government ID (Iqama and Passport Number), blood type, nationality, date of birth, relationship to Saudi Aramco employee.


We may need to use the Personal Data of your dependents to create or renew a Company ID for your dependents.

Technical Information


Information about your device and Internet connection.


The Company may log information regarding the type of device you are using and the internet connection (IP Address) for auditing and security purposes.

Legal and Compliance


We may need to use some of your Personal Data to comply with Saudi Aramco’s legal obligations under applicable laws, respond to legal requests, administrative or judicial process, or to otherwise defend our legal rights. 


1.1.2    How we might share your Personal Data


We may share your Personal Data with third parties. We may need to do this:

*         Where we need assistance from third parties to grant you access to the App and facilitate posting of information, content and/or otherwise operate the App;

*         Where we have a public interest or legal duty to do so;

*         Where we have a duty to disclose to a competent public authority, government or regulatory agency where necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory compliance obligation which the relevant Saudi Aramco Group member is subject to or as permitted by applicable local law;

*         Where required by our professional advisers or consultants, including medical professionals, lawyers, bankers, auditors, accountants and insurers providing medical, consultancy, legal, banking, audit, accounting or insurance services to us;

*         To protect the health and wellbeing of all Saudi Aramco employees, students / trainees, contractors, dependents and other workers and visitors;

*         To enforce or apply any agreements we have with you (or (as applicable), your employer if not Saudi Aramco); and/or

*         To third party suppliers and vendors who we use to support our business, including but not limited to the operation, features and functionality of this App, and those who provide information technology and system administration services to us.


1.1.3    How we protect and handle your Personal Data


The privacy and security of your personal data is important to us and maintaining your trust is a priority. We continuously work with the solution provider to identify and evaluate the implementation and use of technical and organizational measures to protect any personal information we process about you. All Saudi Aramco personnel who have access to your Personal Data operate under strict corporate guidelines to ensure the protection of the data and compliance with applicable local data protection laws and regulations. For more information about how we may use and process your personal data, please contact: ITHELPDESK@ARAMCO.COM.


1.1.4    Data Storage and Access Location


We store and host your Personal Data within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.  We will take all reasonable measures necessary and/or required by applicable data protection laws and regulations to ensure that your information is treated securely and in accordance with this notice and applicable laws.


1.1.5    How long do we keep your Personal Data?


We will keep Personal Data for as long as we have a relationship with you and when you use the App.  We shall retain this for a period of twenty (20) years or such longer period as required by law and/or to protect our legal interests.

We will not keep any information for longer than is strictly necessary and when we no longer need the information, we will securely destroy it in accordance with our internal policies or anonymize it.  Should you require earlier deletion, you may discuss this by contacting ITHELPDESK@ARAMCO.COM.







1.2   Your Rights


Under certain applicable laws and in accordance with Saudi Aramco policies, you may have certain rights in relation to your Personal Data. These rights include right to access the Personal Data that you provided to or is being used by Saudi Aramco in connection with the App.  You may also have the right to: 

*         Request a copy of what Personal Data we have on you.

*         Restrict the processing of your Personal Data; and/or

*         Object to the processing of your Personal Data.

To exercise any of the rights listed above, you can contact Saudi Aramco in writing at the email address provided below. Should you object to the processing of your Personal Data this may, without limitation, impede your access to the App.


1.3   Contact and More Information


If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Notice, please contact: ITHELPDESK@ARAMCO.COM.